You definitely don't want to miss our fall girls and guys retreat.
If you're looking to have
- a great bonding experience
- deepen some friendships
- connect with God and study your Bible in a very real way
- spend the weekend way better than you could spend it at home
Then this retreat is for you!
The girls go to the beach front resort of the La Jolla Shores Hotel and spend 3 days and 2 nights bonding with the beauty of the ocean sunset as their backdrop. $175 makes this world class experience yours.
The guys go the desert rock front escape of the Ocotillo Wells area and spend 3 days and 2 nights bonding with the beauty of big fires and rockscapes as their backdrop. $125 makes the chance of a lifetime possible.
You can download the flyer with all the details here.
You can download a permission slip needed here.